Dossier de précandidature a constituer sur le site web de la formation.
Sélection des étudiants sur dossier puis entretien.
Savoir manager une équipe. Gérer les plannings du personnel en fonction de la charge de travail. Gérer les budgets d'investissement et de fonctionnement du laboratoire. Organiser des réunions et travailler en étroite collaboration avec les responsables de services. Maîtriser les bases de la fiscalité et de la comptabilité
Communication et information (Approfondi)Se documenter et rester informé en permanence des travaux d'études et de recherche concernant son domaine d'activité. Connaître les communautés scientifiques et technologiques du domaine et leurs partenaires industriels. Établir le contact avec d'autres laboratoires. Gérer les relations extérieures du laboratoire avec les clients. Communiquer en anglais à l'écrit et à l'oral.
Définition des niveaux d'acquisition
Niveau base : Avoir une vue d'ensemble simple du sujet, qui permette d'en nommer et montrer les différents aspects
Niveau approfondi : Être capable d'appliquer ces techniques en vue d'obtenir un résultat déterminé
Niveau expert : Avoir une très bonne connaissance théorique du domaine et de ses pratiques
60 étudiants en première année
environ 3*20 étudiants en deuxième année
1ère année : 85-90%
2ème année : 90-100%
Studying for the Master degree in Analytical Chemistry, means gaining skills and knowledge to be able to hold managerial positions, either as a laboratory manager, or as a project manager on missions requiring analytical chemistry expertise. The teaching focusses on all the main analytical methods to allow a wide scope of applications across a variety of industries (Physico-chemical analysis, Industrial analysis, Forensic science).
The core strength of the course is the focus on teaching all the main analytical methods at an expert level, and to provide individual coaching for the students to further their personal development with their professional ambitions in mind.
Read more : for the Master degree in Analytical Chemistry, means gaining skills and knowledge to be able to hold managerial positions, either as a laboratory manager, or as a project manager on missions requiring analytical chemistry expertise. The teaching focusses on all the main analytical methods to allow a wide scope of applications across a variety of industries (Physico-chemical analysis, Industrial analysis, Forensic science).
The core strength of the course is the focus on teaching all the main analytical methods at an expert level, and to provide individual coaching for the students to further their personal development with their professional ambitions in mind.
Read more : for the Master degree in Analytical Chemistry, means gaining skills and knowledge to be able to hold managerial positions, either as a laboratory manager, or as a project manager on missions requiring analytical chemistry expertise. The teaching focusses on all the main analytical methods to allow a wide scope of applications across a variety of industries (Physico-chemical analysis, Industrial analysis, Forensic science).
The core strength of the course is the focus on teaching all the main analytical methods at an expert level, and to provide individual coaching for the students to further their personal development with their professional ambitions in mind.
Read more : for the Master degree in Analytical Chemistry, means gaining skills and knowledge to be able to hold managerial positions, either as a laboratory manager, or as a project manager on missions requiring analytical chemistry expertise. The teaching focusses on all the main analytical methods to allow a wide scope of applications across a variety of industries (Physico-chemical analysis, Industrial analysis, Forensic science).
The core strength of the course is the focus on teaching all the main analytical methods at an expert level, and to provide individual coaching for the students to further their personal development with their professional ambitions in mind.
Read more : training course dedicated to physico-chemical analysis
Recherche et Développement
Descriptif APEC :
Responsable de laboratoire de recherche
Responsable de laboratoire d'analyse
- Contrôle Qualité
- Contrôle Production
- Contrôle en ligne
Descriptif APEC :